Daily mixed species bag limit, per angler.

You may take four fish (combined) of the following species;

  • rainbow trout,
  • brown trout; and
  • freshwater cobbler.

‘Daily’ means from midnight to midnight.

Minimum size Trout, rainbow and brown: 300mm

Fish smaller than the minimum size must be gently returned to the water immediately. There are no bag or size limits for other freshwater fish.

To help keep WA waters pest free, please thoroughly clean and dry all fishing and wading gear before fishing in another waterway. Pest species such as redfin perch, carp, goldfish, tilapia and other cichlids destroy habitat and prey on juvenile marron and native freshwater fish. It is recommended that they are not returned to the water and are humanely euthanised, with dead fish NOT left on the shore.

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