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While the best option is always to talk to our team – here are some of the key questions that come up as a part of considering moving to a Track my fish event.

Moving from a traditional manual event to an automated TMF event requires a little planning.  Thankfully the TMF Team are here to help take care of many of the core tasks that come with running the event.

Organisers should consider the current administrative needs of the event - where the pain points are and that will form the basis of talking to us.  Things to consider include:

  • Registrations
  • Processing of catches
  • Generating Scores
  • Updating fishers

Whether the event is app based or managed via data entry into our web portal, preparing the following will speed up the process of getting your event up and running.

  • Logos in digital format
  • Set of rules
  • List of scoring categories including
    • how scores are generated (eg bags, length, weight, points, formula)
    • any special conditions (tackle, vessel type, etc)
    • team or individual
    • any date limitations

Additionally if registrations is part of the package:

  • What information is needed from registrants
  • Any special offerings (eg shirts, accomodation)
  • how they pay for the event

Once this information is provided, the TMF team will provide a statement of work that confirms all the elements of the event including responsibilities.

Once this information is provided, the TMF team will provide a statement of work that confirms all the elements of the event including responsibilities.

Moving to an app based event reduces the time taken to get entries in and reduces significantly the data entry requirements.   For most events this means the majority of catches come in well before the cutoff time.    With app based events scoreboards can be updated regularly through the event and live feeds of the catches made available to that the followers at home can keep track of how their favourite competitor is doing.

Does everyone need the app?

It's not uncommon for fishers to have an older phone or be a family or team that want's to submit from one phone.  Submitting from a phone on behalf of other fishers is normal, there is a field to enter the fishers name and can be changed to another family member or team.  If a fisher doesn't have a phone their catches can be processed manually through texting in photos or providing to organisers.


There are still events that need to handle weigh ins be that a live or dead weight event.  TMF supports both of these formats through our web interface.  Alternatively we also support length-weight curves to estimate the weight in a catch and release environment.

  • Single fish weights
  • Bag weights (fixed and limited number of fish)
  • Species specific
  • single or multiple weigh in stations
  • printed catch receipts
  • Length and Weight curves available through the app



There are times when an event will be held in an area where there is no signal.  This has been a challenge for some time but now Infofish has a mobile Starlink based service that allows fishers to connect to the internet from anywhere.  This can be provided to events to use, 240 volt power is required so a generator or similar needed if there is no access to power but with support for up to 240 connections it takes the guesswork out of trying to find signal.

Many events use their own registrations process and provide a spreadsheet listing competitors and teams.  None the less for events that need additional support we can provide automated registrations as well.  This includes:

  • Capturing information on competitors including contact details
  • Registering classes, teams and families
  • Different pricing depending on classes
  • Sale of extras such as shirts
  • Provision of registration booklets to competitors

Score checking falls into two categories:

  • Validating entries
  • Checking Individual and Team scores as a part of post event wrap up.

Track My fish has the tools to do both.  For smaller events organisers can do this task themselves but often larger events task us with doing them for them.

For some events, having a public scoreboard is great but they want to incentivise the competitors to fish hard to the end.  With this in mind scoreboards can be made secret at any time in the even with the click of a button, so that the public available scoreboard stays the same at the cutoff time but the event organisers have access to a private copy of the scoreboard that can be used for allocating prize awards.